Well, First of all, you have to TRUST the person who is hosting the mystery quilt that you will just LOVE it after its all done.
Secondly, you obtain the necessary fabric, and cut each length according to the guidelines.
THEN, you get a clue each week or month, depending on the rules of the mystery.
And the last clue is how to assemble the entire quilt together. SO, here is my mystery quilt all assembled...
I was happy with how it turned out. I kept making these crazy blocks, and wondering.... am I really going to like this????? But after it was completed, I really LOVE iT! It was a lot of fun. I know that they are starting this quilt again, but if you are interested, click [here]
Several weeks ago, I became certified to use this big, beautiful machine...
Sew Pretty, isn't she??
It's Babylock's Crown Jewel long-arm quilting machine.
Oh Santa, I've BEEN GOOD!!! :D
Set up time was about 45 minutes by the time I FINALLY figured out why the thread kept breaking! Once I got started, it really only took about an hour to quilt my mystery quilt. It's not a huge quilt (only 54 x 60), but now I am certified to go and use the machine for some of my bigger sized quilts. Quilting on a long-arm is WAY different than on my Espire. It would take me TONS of practice before I would ever commit to quilting on someone else's quilt.
As soon as I add the binding, I will post a finished picture.
Until then,
Always in stitches,