Now, I've never really been into making blankets or quilts, but I thought I might give it a go, since I've recently just purchased a new (to me) beautiful, bouncing Baby(girl)lock sewing machine! I don't have it yet, because we've been in the middle of buying a house, as I'm not allowed to put this sewing machine purchase on my credit card. But after October 4, 2013, (settlement date on our new house), I will be making a mad dash to Pottstown Sewing to pick up my little baby that's been patiently waiting for me! And I have a whole array of projects lined up!!
Therefore, I will be patiently waiting until I can bring my little girl home!
So here's a picture of my "little girl"... It's the Espire from BabyLock. I just can't WAIT to take her out for a spin!!!!!
Oh sew pretty!!!
I'm excited!!!